Sunday, July 29, 2012

London2012: Olympic debut for Zara Phillips

By Ashley Williams 

LONDON (TheSportsNext) July 29, 2012: Granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, Zara Phillips finally made her Olympic debut on Sunday when she represented Great Britain in the equestrian competition of the London 2012.

Zara Phillips not only had an overwhelming support of her countrymen but her family, including Grandfather Prince Philip and Mother the Royal Princess, were also there to cheer for the royal athlete at the London 2012.

Zara Phillips also tried to compete at the Athens 2004 and the Beijing 2008 but a horse Toytown injury put an end to her ambitions but later the royal equestrian athlete made a huge impact with world eventing title in 2006.

Riding her new horse, High Kingdom, Zara Phillips participated in the dressage at Greenwich Park and extended the legacy of her mother who represented the Great Britain in Montreal 1976.

Zara Phillips, after her four minutes routine, secured score of 46.10 and was among the top ten in the individual eventing competition while her country was placed provisional third.

Talking to local media after her London 2012 Olympic debut, Zara Phillips said, "It's incredible to be selected for the team and to be here at home in London is an amazing feeling and I just want to do my best for the team. The Olympics is the greatest show on Earth and it is incredible to be here and to be competing for my country."

Proud of her horse, Zara said, "This was High Kingdom's second biggest test, after the Burleigh Horse Trials, he's only getting better. Although he's inexperienced he's coped with the crowds well. He is a chilled character."

Zara Phillips’ next assignment is the second leg of the eventing competition scheduled for Monday and she stated, "He's a good jumper, quick to turn and he's bored with dressage now and wants to get out there. Cross-country is our strongest phase so we hope we can improve our score."

Zara Phillips is bidding for Great Britain’s first gold equestrian gold since Munich 1972 and has Mark Phillips, her father, who is with her as manager of the squad.

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