Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pakistan to drag The Sun into court of law

By Babar Malik

ISLAMABAD (TheSportsNext) July 26, 2012: The Government of Pakistan said Thursday that it will bring The Sun newspaper into court of law for false allegations in the Olympics visa scandal.

The country’s interior minister, Rehman Malik, claimed that Pakistan was victim of a foreign plot aimed to defaming the country in international community.

Rehman Malik, who initially pledged to arrest anyone involved in the Olympics visa scam, took a stark U-turn revealing that the government is launching legal action against the British newspaper.

On the other hand, The Sun newspaper said it had complete faith in its report and was ready to face the legal action. The Sun’s spokesperson said, “We are not aware of any such claim being made against us. If such were to be filed The Sun stands by our story and we would vigorously defend it."

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